Sunday, June 22, 2008

"Bo Bos"

For the last couple of days Jade as been saying, "Bo bos", and we have been trying to figure out what it is that she wants. We would make suggestions as to what we thought she was saying and could not for the life of us figure it out. Well this morning she got up at 3:30 am Central Time and kept saying, "Bo bos" and I told her to show me what she wanted. Well low and behold......"Bo bos" means the movie "Hairspray" and she is trying to say, "Be Bops". Yes, at 3:30 am we watched "Hairspray" because I was too tired to fight with her.

For those of you who don't know, Jade loves music and is very opinionated about what she wants to listen to and if you are listening to something she doesn't like it, she will let you know. We think this is why she loves the movie "Hairspray" so much .

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