Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Kids say the darnst things continued.........

The other day we were driving through a small town and we were on the outskirts of it and a dog ran out in front of me and I had no time to react......Well I said, "Dang it" and Shaunee asked me what was wrong and I told her that I just hit a dog. She asked. me if I hit it on purpose and I said, "Of course not", and she said, "Nice speed bump huh."

Last night we went to Albertsons to get the awesome deal on cereal they had and Shaunee wanted me to carry her and I told her that I couldn't carry her as my back hurt and she said, "I think that your back hurts cuz you have one big zit. LOL

Last night on the way home from the store I was talking to Karla, Joe sister and asked her if Joe was hard on shoes when he was little ( Just bought Justin a pair of new shoes and already need to buy him new ones). She said that she doesn't know about Joe, but Jana was and still is hard on shoes. Shaunee in a very loud voice says, "Jana steeled shoes."

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